Entreprise, économie & droit
119 produits trouvés
L'impact du web 2.0 sur les organisations
Albert David, Nicolas Monomakhoff, Amir Hasnaoui, Sébastien Damart, Luisa Zibara, Sonia Abdennadher cheffi
- Springer
- 16 Février 2013
- 9782817804330
Le concept de 2.0, marqueur d'une évolution par référence au Web dit 1.0,
est également associé à de nombreuses promesses concernant l'évolution des
habitudes de travail et l'émergence de nouvelles organisations innovantes.
Face au constat du manque de données et des problématiques managériales
émergentes, les auteurs se sont interrogés sur l'impact du « 2.0 » sur les
organisations, de façon à intégrer dans une même conception les dimensions
communautaire et de réseaux sociaux émergents, les ressorts et enjeux de
gouvernance des organisations et la dimension pilotage et systèmes
d'information. Pour faire cette analyse, ils ont effectué une veille sur
le Web, une revue de littérature académique et se sont appuyés sur
plusieurs cas emblématiques d'entreprises. Il en ressort une présentation
du « 2.0 » selon quatre points de vue complémentaires : la plateforme, le
many-to-many, le communautaire et l'émergent. Des idées reçues et de
fausses évidences autour de la hiérarchie, de la participation, du
communautaire et de l'émergent ont également été revisitées, et quelques
enjeux critiques pour le « passage au 2.0 » ont été identifiés : associer
one-to-one et many-to-many, mobiliser le collectif, valoriser une
organisation « méta-dimensionnelle » et valoriser et protéger l'individu.
Enfin, pour « piloter le nuage », les auteurs ont révélé combien le
système d'information était central et ont émis l'hypothèse que l'enjeu
pour les DSI et les managers était de pouvoir progresser dans la maîtrise
de quatre leviers : le pilotage multi-dimensionnel et les référentiels
enrichis, la gestion des communautés, la gestion de l'organisation, des
droits et de la gouvernance de l'information, le pilotage des capacités
organisationnelles. Cet ouvrage s'adresse à l'ensemble des professionnels
(DSI, managers, consultants) et des universitaires (enseignants
chercheurs, étudiants de cycle Master) qui s'interrogent sur le concept de
Web 2.0 et son impact sur les organisations. -
Génération Y et pratiques de management des projets SI
Chantal Morley, Marie Bia-figueiredo
- Springer
- 7 Novembre 2012
- 9782817804095
L'ouvrage est le résultat d'une recherche sur certaines pratiques
actuelles de management de projet. Les jeunes chefs de projet
appartiennent à une génération, dite « Génération Y », dont l'arrivée sur
le marché du travail coïncide avec la diffusion des technologies web 2.0
et avec elles, une vision renouvelée des modes de gestion et
d'organisation du travail. Cependant, ils évoluent dans un environnement
de plus en plus cadré par un ensemble de normes et de référentiels qui
véhiculent un modèle assez éloigné de celui d'une « organisation 2.0 ». La
problématique développée dans cet ouvrage est la suivante : les chefs de
projet de la Génération Y sont-ils porteurs d'une vision renouvelée du
management et de l'organisation du travail, inspirée des logiques
d'actions présumées de l'organisation 2.0, et si oui, comment cette vision
s'articule-t-elle avec le cadre normalisé auquel est aujourd'hui soumis
l'ensemble de la profession ? A partir d'une étude détaillée de trois cas
enchâssés, le présent rapport met en évidence différentes appropriations
du cadre normatif. Trois portraits détaillés de jeunes chefs de projet
montrent comment ils utilisent les marges de liberté, notamment en ce qui
concerne la gestion d'équipe. -
Le capital organisationnel ; principes, enjeux, valeur
Ahmed Bounfour
- Springer
- 5 Août 2011
- 9782817802411
Développer les usages des logiciels collaboratifs ; le rôle des SI, des RH et des managers
- Springer
- 16 Février 2013
- 9782817804378
Cet ouvrage propose des pistes pour développer les usages des outils
collaboratifs. Il montre que ces usages sont souvent liés au type de
hiérarchie existant dans une entreprise. Il décrit des usages « réels » à
partir de dix études de cas dans des secteurs d'activité très différents
(transport, métallurgie, presse, etc.). En articulant les travaux en
système d'information et en théorie des organisations, ce livre analyse
les usages des outils collaboratifs dans 10 entreprises différentes. Il
montre en particulier qu'à côté des fonctionnalités de l'outil et des
profils des utilisateurs, la structure hiérarchique de l'entreprise joue
un rôle majeur dans les usages de ce type d'outils. -
Thomas Percival's Medical Ethics and the Invention of Medical Professionalism
Laurence B. Mccullough
- Springer
- 4 Avril 2022
- 9783030860363
This book provides the first comprehensive, historically based, philosophical interpretations of two texts of Thomas Percival's professional ethics in medicine set in the context of his intellectual biography. Preceded by his privately published and circulated Medical Jurisprudence of 1794, Thomas Percival (1740-1804) published Medical Ethics in 1803, the first book thus titled in the global histories of medicine and medical ethics. From his days as a student at the Warrington Academy and the medical schools of the universities of Edinburgh and Leyden, Percival steeped himself in the scientific method of Francis Bacon (1561-1626). McCullough shows how Percival became a Baconian moral scientist committed to Baconian deism and Dissent. Percival also drew on and significantly expanded the work of his predecessor in professional ethics in medicine, John Gregory (1724-1773). The result is that Percival should be credited with co-inventing professionalism in medicine with Gregory. To aid and encourage future scholarship, this book brings together the first time three essential Percival texts, Medical Jurisprudence, Medical Ethics, and Extracts from the Medical Ethics of Dr. Percival of 1823, the bridge from Medical Ethics to the 1847 Code of Medical Ethics on the American Medical Association. To support comparative reading, this book provides concordances of Medical Jurisprudence to Medical Ethics and of Medical Ethics to Extracts. Finally, this book includes the first Chronology of Percival's life and works.
Human Dignity and the Autonomy of Law
Jose Manuel Aroso Linhares, Manuel Atienza
- Springer
- 6 Décembre 2022
- 9783031148248
This book intertwines two major themes in contemporary legal theory - the concepts of human dignity and the problem of the autonomy and limits of the law - while also addressing two other key aspects - the first one concerned with human rights practices and foundations (in their direct connections with the issue of dignity), the second one considering the role that the law's aspirations attribute to the experience of an autonomous subject-person (and the demands that identify his/her position in the dialectical counterpoint with the rethinking of a community). The diversity of perspectives that each of these themes allows is explored in various contexts and with unmistakable implications concerning juridical validity, rule of law practices, pluralism, political and practical-cultural challenges, and divisive "bio-ethical" issues. This means considering the separation or separability theses between law and morality and the juridically relevant experience of person(hood) as a dialectic between autonomy and responsibility, the orthodox and heterodox images of comparable concreteness and incomparable singularity, the challenges of external points of view and interdisciplinary approaches.
The book discusses discrimination based on sexual orientation in the jurisprudence of the European Court of Human Rights (ECtHR) and the Constitutional Court of Korea. The work provides insights into how prohibition on discrimination based on sexual orientation can be realized in South Korea with the reference of the case law of other jurisdictions including mainly from the ECtHR. The book reviews related principles and methodological tools applied in the jurisprudence of the ECtHR. Considering that the rights of sexual minorities are evolving in many jurisdictions including Europe, and this problem is currently of great importance in the constitutional and political discussion, the topic is important to the readers in Europe as well as in Korea.
This book is a companion to Clinical Ethics on Film and deals specifically with the myriad of healthcare ethics dilemmas. While Clinical Ethics on Film focuses on bedside ethics dilemmas that affect the healthcare provider-patient relationship, Healthcare Ethics on Film provides a wider lens on ethics dilemmas that interfere with healthcare delivery, such as healthcare access, discrimination, organizational ethics, or resource allocation. The book features detailed and comprehensive chapters on the Tuskegee Study, AIDS, medical assistance in dying, the U.S. healthcare system, reproductive justice, transplant ethics, pandemic ethics and more. Healthcare Ethics on Film is the perfect tool for remote or live teaching. It's designed for medical educators and healthcare professionals teaching any aspect of bioethics, healthcare ethics or the health sciences, including medical humanities, history of medicine and health law. It is also useful to the crossover market of film buffs and other readers involved in healthcare or bioethics.
Patterns of Treaty Interpretation as Anti-Fragmentation Tools
Liliana E. Popa
- Springer
- 29 Décembre 2017
- 9783319654881
This book investigates whether treaty interpretation at the ECtHR and WTO, which are sometimes perceived as promoting `self-contained' regimes, could constitute a means for unifying international law, or, conversely, might exacerbate the fragmentation of international law. In this regard, the practice of the ICJ on treaty interpretation is used for comparison, since the ICJ has made the greatest contribution to the development and clarification of international law rules and principles. Providing a critical analysis of cases at the ICJ, ECtHR and WTO, both prior to and since the adoption of the 1969 Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties, the book reveals how the ECtHR and WTO apply the general rules of treaty interpretation in patterns which are similar to those used by the ICJ to address difficulties in interpreting the text of treaties. Viewed in the light of the ECtHR's and WTO's interpretative practices, both the VCLT's general rules of interpretation and the ICJ's interpretative practice serve to counteract the fragmentation of international law.
Studies in Legal Logic is a collection of nine interrelated papers about the logic, epistemology and ontology of law. All of the papers were written after the publication of the author's Reasoning with Rules and supplement the issues addressed therein. Some of the papers are new; others have been revised substantially after the publication of their original versions. The emphasis is on analysis, not on logical technicalities.
Studies in Legal Logic contains chapters about the nature of norms, the role of coherence in the law, the nature of defeasibility, the role of dialectics in law and artificial intelligence, the statics and dynamics of the law, and the consistency of rules. Moreover, it contains a new, simplified and yet more powerful version of Reason-based Logic and extensive examples of how it can be used for the analysis of legal reasoning. The examples deal with legal theory construction, case-based reasoning, and judicial proof. -
The Draft Common Frame of Reference as a "Toolbox" for Domestic Courts
Marta Santos Silva
- Springer
- 3 Juillet 2017
- 9783319529233
This book investigates whether national courts could and should import innovative solutions from abroad in the adjudication of complex legal disputes. Special attention is paid to the concept of "legally relevant damage" and its importance in overcoming the deadlock created by the category of "pure economic loss" in the Portuguese and German tort law systems. These systems are essentially based on the concept of unlawfulness ("Rechtswidrigkeit"), which limits the compensation for pure economic loss to where a protective rule is infringed. These losses have nevertheless been compensated for through the extensive interpretation of rules and the appeal to near-contractual devices, which has been detrimental to legal certainty, the equality before the law, and subjects' freedom of action. This book explains why courts can and should take a proactive role and apply DCFR-based solutions in order to compensate for every loss that is worthy of legal protection.
Dieses Buch vergewissert sich der Ursprünge der Vlkerrechtstradition. Die heutige Debatte über die Rolle des Vlkerrechts in den internationalen Beziehungen geht auf die Diskussionen des Kalten Krieges zurück. In Westdeutschland entstand nach 1945 ein vlkerrechtlicher Ansatz, der bis heute für seinen Praxisbezug und die Idee einer auf Verfassungsprinzipien beruhenden internationalen Gemeinschaft bekannt ist.
Auf Grundlage des Werkes und Nachlasses von Hermann Mosler, der als der bedeutendste Vlkerrechtler der Bundesrepublik gilt, wird die Genese der praxisorientierten Gemeinschaftskonzeption im Kontext der politischen Entwicklung Deutschlands während des Kalten Krieges analysiert. Die Anknüpfung an die Weimarer Vlkerrechtstradition, Lehren aus der nationalsozialistischen Vergangenheit, die Westintegration unter Konrad Adenauer und Moslers katholischer Universalismus werden dabei als Faktoren hervorgehoben, die einen spezifisch westdeutschen Ansatzim Vlkerrecht hervorbrachten. -
Der medizinisch nicht indizierte Eingriff zur kognitiven Leistungssteigerung aus rechtlicher Sicht
Katharina Suhr
- Springer
- 23 Octobre 2015
- 9783662474235
Das Buch liefert einen umfassenden rechtlichen Überblick über das kognitive Enhancement. Dieses umfasst medizinisch nicht indizierte Maßnahmen zur Verbesserung der kognitiven Leistungsfähigkeit bei Menschen, die als gesund gelten. Der Grundlagenteil der Arbeit ist der Klärung und Entwicklung der Begrifflichkeiten sowie den medizinischen Aspekten und den Rechtstatsachen gewidmet. Im zweiten Teil werden die mit kognitivem Enhancement einhergehenden einfach- und verfassungsrechtlichen Fragen behandelt. Einen Schwerpunkt stellt dabei die Frage nach der Bedeutung der medizinischen Indikation für ärztliches Handeln dar. Darüber hinaus wird analysiert, in welchem Maße das geltende einfache Recht kognitives Enhancement begrenzt. Außerdem wird herausgearbeitet, inwieweit eine weitergehende Regulierung des kognitiven Enhancement mit dem Grundgesetz vereinbar wäre. Abschließend werden praktische Aspekte herausgearbeitet, die Ärzte ihrer Entscheidung über die Verabreichung bzw. Verschreibung kognitiver Enhancer zugrundelegen sollten.
Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders in Adults: Ethical and Legal Perspectives
Monty Nelson, Marguerite Trussler
- Springer
- 28 Juillet 2015
- 9783319208664
This book discusses and provides insight on the legal and ethical dilemmas of managing those with Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD). This book provides a clear perspective for those clinicians and legal professionals who are working with those with this disorder, and correspondingly increases their understanding when arranging effective supports for this population. Historically, the primary focus on FASD has been on children. However, this is a lifelong disorder and the implications of this disorder become even more prominent and complex in adulthood. Those with this condition can struggle with impulsiveness, and a host of cognitive difficulties. This correspondingly impacts their independence and employability, and produces an elevated risk for homelessness and other residential issues, involvement in substance use, being exploited, development of behavioural issues, and subsequent legal difficulties. Their cognitive difficulties result in challenges for legal systems around the world to understand their issues, and to design appropriate remedial strategies, recommendations for treatments and supports, and even for understanding the failure of many of these individuals to be able to change their behaviours effectively. This produces various legal and ethical dilemmas, which are discussed in detail in this volume by 28 authors from Europe, New Zealand and North America. These include discussions regarding the rights of the unborn child, the alcohol industry's duty to warn, whether small amounts of alcohol during pregnancy can be condoned, and even the current use of involuntary hospitalization for addicted mothers. Other chapters discuss the need for training on FASD for front line officers, use of lies during interrogation of those with FASD, medical and legal interventions for offenders with FASD, access to diagnostic services and follow-up supports, and whether FASD can be considered a mitigating factor for sentencing. Furthermore, caregiversalso provide their stories regarding the daily dilemmas that are faced in raising those with FASD.
This book aims to find a workable interpretation of the non-appropriation principle that is compatible with both the existing international space law framework and the move of the private space industry towards the mining of asteroids and other celestial bodies. It does so by analysing the rules on the use of orbits as limited natural resources as a concrete indication of how space resources can be exploited by one user while respecting the non-appropriation principle and the interests of other users in space. This analysis is complemented by a thorough review of the meaning of property rights in the context of the existing international space law regime. This allows the author to distinguish between the lawful exploitation and unlawful appropriation of resources in a manner that could pave the way for a workable asteroid mining regime that takes into account the needs of individual companies and the international community. Exclusive use in an inclusive environment frames the legal regime of the exploitation of natural resources in outer space as the most pressing example to date of the tension that arises between the rights of a single spacefaring actor and the interests of the broader international community. Though academic in its approach in dealing with one of the most fundamental issues of space law to date, the book has very practical ambitions. By offering a pragmatic interpretation of the space law principles that are likely to remain the legal foundations of asteroid mining for the foreseeable future, Exclusive use in an inclusive environment hopes to inform academics, practitioners and policymakers alike in their future attempts at working out a fair, equitable and effective management regime for the exploitation of natural resources in outer space.
Disgorgement of profits is not exactly a household word in private law. Particularly in civil law jurisdictions - as opposed to those of the common law - the notion is not well known. What does it stand for? It is best illustrated by examples. One of the best known being the British case of Blake v Attorney General, [2001] 1 AC 268. In which a double spy had been imprisoned by the UK government before escaping and settling in the former Soviet Union. While there wrote a book on his experiences, upon which the UK government claimed the proceeds of the book. The House of Lords, as it then was, allowed the claim on the basis of Blake's breach of his employment contract. Other examples are the infringement of intellectual property rights, where the damages of the owner are limited, but the profits of the wrongdoer immense. In such cases, the question arises whether the infringing party should be disgorged of his profits.This volume aims at establishing the notion of disgorgement of profits as a keyword in the discourse of private law. It does not purport to answer the question whether or not such damages should or should not be awarded. It does however aim to contribute to the discussion, the arguments in favour and against, and the organisation of the various actions.
The Armenian Massacres of 1915-1916 a Hundred Years Later
Flavia Lattanzi, Emanuela Pistoia
- Springer
- 30 Mai 2018
- 9783319781693
This peer-reviewed book features essays on the Armenian massacres of 1915-1916. It aims to cast light upon the various questions of international law raised by the matter. The answers may help improve international relations in the region. In 1915-1916, roughly a million and a half Armenians were murdered in the territory of the Ottoman Empire, which had been home to them for centuries. Ever since, a dispute between Armenians and Turkey has been ongoing over the qualification of the massacres. The contributors to this volume examine the legal nature and consequences of this event. Their investigation strives to be completely neutral and technical. The essays also look at the broader issue of denial. For instance, in Turkey, public speech on the matter can still trigger criminal prosecution whereas in other European States denial of genocide, war crimes and crimes against humanity is criminalized. However, the European Court of Human Rights views criminal prosecution of denial of the Armenian massacres as unlawful. In addition, one essay considers a state's obligation to remember by looking at lessons learnt from the Inter-American Court of Human Rights. Another contributor looks at a collective right to remember and some ideas to move forward towards a solution. Moreover, the book explores the way the Armenian massacres have affected the relationship between Turkey and the European Union.
Female Genital Mutilation around The World:
Ngianga-bakwin Kandala, Paul Nzinga Komba
- Springer
- 9 Juillet 2018
- 9783319780078
This book uses global household data to examine the prevalence, trends and geographic variation of female genital mutilation (FGM) around the world. It also addresses the underlying legal and policy aspects as well as explores the medical consequences, both immediate and long term, for those undergoing the practice. The book analyses the position of victims of this gender-based violence both from the medical and legal perspective and adopts a largely practical approach to the study of the practices, offering a fresh thinking into one of the challenges in global health and the law. In addition, it offers some insights into how health professionals can approach this category of victims and how legal practitioners can obtain a good legal result for their clients before domestic and international forums. The book addresses fundamental issues such as state liability and defences in enforcement proceedings for actions or omission of state or non-state actors, and due diligence standard in international human rights law, the main gateways available for obtaining relief for the victims of FGM. This book goes beyond the traditional debate between zero tolerance and those who wish to see the practice medicalised and tolerated and favours an advocacy programme standing firmly in favour of the right of FGM victims. This book offers a unique perspective likely to assist victims and their representatives to secure a remedy against perpetrators and the state. As such this book will be of interest to medical professionals, national and international lawyers, academics and policymakers in the field of public health.
This book focuses on Boko Haram and terrorism in Nigeria, framing the conflict in an international law context. It analyses the nature of political violence and the dominant roles of a violent nation-state (in both colonial and post-colonial experiences) and the rise of terrorism in Nigeria. The book unearths embedded evidence of religious nepotism on the part of state officials using such state institutions as Islamic Preaching Boards to promote one Islamic sect over another in mainly Muslim Northern Nigeria. The book offers insights into this subtle sectarian divide and how this and other `subterranean' elements have contributed to the rise of Boko Haram in Northern Nigeria beyond the dominant poverty-terrorism nexus narrative. Furthermore, the book analyses the various components of Boko Haram's radical ideology, situates them in Islamic Jurisprudence, and examines the philosophy of the group (both in doctrine and practice) - their interpretation of the Koran and the waging of Jihad, and the extent to which they conform to the Islamic Sect Boko Haram claims to follow. The book then examines the basic doctrinal features and characteristics of Boko Haram - waging Jihad, prohibiting revealing dresses for women and mixing of genders, rejecting western values and institutions, denouncing scientific inquiry and democracy, hostage taking, sexual exploitation of captives and other aspects of jus ad bellum and jus in bello in Islamic jurisprudence and international law. Finally, the book analyses the plight of vulnerable groups such as internally displaced persons, the atrocities committed against women and girls in the Boko Haram insurgency and the (in)ability of international law to enforce the protections offered to the victims. From the perspective of critical intellectual inquiry, the book also challenges a number of fundamental assumptions and encourages us to revisit our legal characterisation of certain concepts such as "gender-based crimes". It then goes further to analyse some legal grey areas in the Boko Haram insurgency such as the legal status of the Civilian Joint Task Force (CJTF) and the legal framework for holding members accountable for violations of international human rights and humanitarian law. Overall, the book represents a valuable contribution to scholarship, deepens our understanding and delineates how international law could respond to the Boko Haram insurgency in Nigeria in particular and terrorism in Africa in general.
Law Reform in Plural Societies
Teleiai Lalotoa Mulitalo Ropinisone Silipa Seumanutafa
- Springer
- 4 Novembre 2017
- 9783319655246
This book asserts that the Pacific Islands continue to struggle with the colonial legacy of plural legal systems, comprising laws and legal institutions from both the common law and the customary legal system. It also investigates the extent to which customary principles and values are accommodated in legislation. Focusing on Samoa, the author argues that South Pacific countries continue to adopt a Western approach to law reform without considering legal pluralism, which often results in laws which are unsuitable and irrelevant to Samoa. In the context of this system of law making, effective law reform in Samoa can only be achieved where the law reform process recognises the legitimacy of the two primary legal systems. The book goes on to present a law reform process that is more relevant and suitable for law making in the Pacific Islands or any post-colonial societies.
Succession Law, Practice and Society in Europe across the Centuries
Maria Gigliola Di Renzo Villata
- Springer
- 19 Mars 2018
- 9783319762586
This book presents a broad overview of succession law, encompassing aspects of family law, testamentary law and legal history. It examines society and legal practice in Europe from the Middle Ages to the present from both a legal and a sociological perspective. The contributing authors investigate various aspects of succession law that have not yet been thoroughly examined by legal historians, and in doing so they not only add to our knowledge of past succession law but also provide a valuable key to interpreting and understanding current European succession law. Readers can explore such issues as the importance of a father's permission to marry in relation to disinheritance, as well as inheritance transactions and private, dynastic and cross-border successions. Further themes addressed by the expert contributors include women's inheritance rights, the laws of succession for the prince in legal consulting, and succession in the Rota Romana's jurisprudence.
At the Origins of Modernity
José maria Beneyto, Justo Corti Varela
- Springer
- 30 Août 2017
- 9783319629988
This book is based on an international project conducted by the Institute for European Studies of the University CEU San Pablo in Madrid and a seminar on Vitoria and International Law which took place on July 2nd 2015 in the convent of San Esteban, the place where Vitoria spent his most productive years as Chair of Theology at the University of Salamanca. It argues that Vitoria not only lived at a time bridging the Middle Ages and Modernity, but also that his thoughts went beyond the times he lived in, giving us inspiration for meeting current challenges that could also be described as "modern" or even post-modern.There has been renewed interest in Francisco de Vitoria in the last few years, and he is now at the centre of a debate on such central international topics as political modernity, colonialism, the discovery of the "Other" and the legitimation of military interventions. All these subjects include Vitoria's contributions to the formation of the idea of modernity andmodern international law.The book explores two concepts of modernity: one referring to the post-medieval ages and the other to our times. It discusses the connections between the challenges that the New World posed for XVIth century thinkers and those that we are currently facing, for example those related to the cyberworld. It also addresses the idea of international law and the legitimation of the use of force, two concepts that are at the core of Vitoria's texts, in the context of "modern" problems related to a multipolar world and the war against terrorism. This is not a historical book on Vitoria, but a very current one that argues the value of Vitoria's reflections for contemporary issues of international law.
Juristen, Ärzte, Pharmakologen und Apotheker finden in diesem Werk vier wesentliche Aspekte des Medizinrechts: das Arztrecht, das Arzneimittelrecht, das Recht der Medizinprodukte und das Transfusionsrecht. Die rechtliche Darstellung medizinischer, pharmazeutischer und medizintechnischer sowie transplantations- und transfusionsrechtlicher Probleme verdeutlichen Entscheidungen und praktische Fälle. Ein Blick auf ausländische Entscheidungen, Regeln und Tendenzen rundet das Bild ab. Europarechtliche Vorgaben werden eingehend beleuchtet. Die 7. Auflage setzt neue Akzente im Bereich des Transplantationsrechts, der Patientenverfügung und der Sterbebegleitung und zeigt neuere Entwicklungen in Europa im Recht der medizinischen Forschung, auch an Tieren. Wegen der genauen Gliederung und des ausführlichen Registers ist das Buch auch als Nachschlagewerk geeignet.
Die Vermutung unmittelbarer Wirkung des Unionsrechts
Christian Wohlfahrt
- Springer
- 15 Décembre 2015
- 9783662489819
Das Werk belegt die Vermutung der unmittelbaren Wirkung des Unionsrechts. Es propagiert hiermit eine Dogmatik, die der inhaltlichen Unklarheit der bisher in der Rechtsprechung und Wissenschaft gebräuchlichen Kriterien zur Bestimmung der unmittelbaren Wirkung, namentlich der hinreichenden Genauigkeit und Unbedingtheit, abhilft. Die Vermutung unmittelbarer Wirkung wird sowohl mit der Rechtsprechung des Gerichtshofs der Europäischen Union als auch dogmatisch begründet. Dabei zeigt sich, dass die Gründe, die im Hinblick auf das Vlkerrecht eine Zurückhaltung bei dessen unmittelbarer Anwendbarkeit durch nationale Gerichte und Verwaltungsbehrden rechtfertigen, sich jedenfalls nicht auf das primäre und sekundäre Unionsrecht übertragen lassen.